Tools or Solutions: What Are You Really Looking For?

cybersecurity solution

As part of Solutions Review’s Premium Content Series—a collection of contributed columns written by industry experts in maturing software categories— Lalit Ahluwalia of Inspira Enterprise confronts tools fatigue, stating the answer is “find a cybersecurity solution, not more tools.”

Premium ContentOrganizations have gotten into the habit of buying a multitude of security tools to manage their cyber threats and risks. And when it comes to selecting security tools or solutions, organizations today have a smorgasbord of choices. There are a ton of tools available, but what’s happening is that organizations are just buying more products to throw at the problem without the intrinsic expertise to make those tools part of the solution. This has resulted in tool fatigue and unnecessary complexity.

The situation has been exacerbated by digital transformation and the push to remote work that occurred because of the pandemic. Technologies were rapidly adopted, sometimes in a cobbled-together way– and we’re still seeing the resulting cybersecurity holes. Compounding this further is the ongoing skills shortage. For many organizations, it’s time to look beyond tools to real solutions that produce business outcomes.

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Cybersecurity Solution: More Answers, Less Tools

The Difference Between a Tool and a Business Outcome Solution

When it comes to bolstering its security posture, an organization can look to a vendor that will simply add more tools into their data center, or they can find one that will give them the solution and not just the tools. It’s like the difference between giving someone a Blu-ray system that enables them to use all the apps, but they have to download all of them, rather than giving them a system that has all the apps pre-loaded. For some individuals, the latter might be fine. Perhaps you’re a tech whiz, and you’ll get it working in no time. For others, they’ll only end up using it to watch Blu-ray discs without ever realizing the machine’s full value.

Similarly, for organizations, when it comes to technology, the latter example might work. Maybe you have in-house experts who can take the tools, understand their value and know what to do with them. But that isn’t the case for most organizations. When it comes to something as important as cybersecurity, it’s key to understand which is right for your business. Too often in cybersecurity, organizations throw a lot of tools at the problem and don’t get the solution they need. And they are throwing a lot of tools at the problem. A report by KPMG and Oracle found that 78 percent of respondents use more than 50 discrete cybersecurity products to address security issues.

A Deeper Understanding of the Business Problem

A big part of navigating through this challenge starts with understanding the business problem. Maybe it’s that you’re trying to enable secure access to systems when everyone is working remotely. But when you’re trying to enable secure access, it’s not just about the tools. It’s not just about connecting to the systems; it’s about understanding the overall landscape.

Or let’s say you’ve deployed a monitoring and response tool– but then what? You need to understand how to take it to the next level. Technology is a means to the outcome, but it’s not the only component. You need a way to simplify all these technologies and implementations in a way that’s easy to understand and manage. So, do you go it alone? Or do you look for a partner who can help? It’s about supplementing your internal resources; the need for businesses today is simplification.

Looking to a Cybersecurity Solution Partner

Maybe you’ve made the decision that you can’t do it all yourself, and you need someone who can help you with the problem, not just throw tools at it. What should you look for?

  • A partner who truly understands your business problem and the security issues in the context of business
  • A partner who has a deeper specialization in the technologies
  • A partner with the expertise to bring a solution together in a way that’s truly tailored to your needs
  • A partner who is really invested in this field– someone who is going to keep proactively looking for these new ideas and bringing them to you

Today’s organizations need to partner with those who can bring unified solutions that deliver threat visibility, effective management, and shorter mean time to recovery (MTTR). They need end-to-end cybersecurity services to mitigate cyber threats and risks and business outcome-based security offerings for organizations looking for Security-as-a-Service. Such partners enable cyber resilience through deep expertise, global delivery network capabilities, advanced analytics, managed security services, and secure cloud services.

The Choice is Yours

Organizations today are using dozens of disparate security tools to fix their cybersecurity problems when, in many cases, what they’re missing is a solution that can produce the desired business outcome. This is the difference between a tools/technologies approach and a business outcome solution approach– between 50 or more point products trying to close all the security gaps and an understanding of the overall landscape that enables all those products to work together seamlessly. A solution partner specializes in this kind of holistic thinking and can supplement and complement an organization’s existing approach with tailored expertise and technology.

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The post Tools or Solutions: What Are You Really Looking For? appeared first on Solutions Review Technology News and Vendor Reviews.

from Solutions Review Technology News and Vendor Reviews


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